Sensory  Activities made easy! 

Wriggle and Roll is here to help you support development, entertain AND connect with your 0-3 year old!

Anytime, Anywhere!

Check out what Wriggle and Rollers get up to

Hi, I'm Lisa.

Where Wriggle and Roll Began...

Roll back to April 2020 and I gave birth to my second daughter right in the heart of the covid pandemic. At the time Spain, where we live, was on a strict lockdown that didn't allow us to go outside for any reason other than food shopping.

I wanted to make sure my daughter had all the sensory exposure and fun my oldest had and set to doing it at home: reading high contrast  books, baby massage, sing-alongs, dancing, we had so much fun!

I also set to learning everything I could about sensory development and completed the Sensory Beginnings Master Course, approved by the American Occupational Therapy Association.

When I looked online for guidance and support for anything new - I couldn't find it! And so Wriggle and Roll was born! 

Meet Lisa

What benefits can you expect from Wriggle and Roll activities?

Wriggle and Roll activities are carefully planned to provide benefits such as:

Building nerve connections

Encouraging motor skills

Language development

Bonding with baby

Ditch the boredom

What Wriggle and Roll Parents Are Saying

Zoe and Nika

"Just finished having a great wriggle and roll session - baby loved it!"

Victoria and Oliver

"We particularly enjoyed the Scarecrow song, as that's a firm favourite in our household! Also enjoyed the relaxation/massgae at the end. Baby was very chilled after and went down for a nap!"

Wriggle and Roll Parent

"I now have the Wriggle and Roll song stuck in my head!"

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Online Courses

Benefit from the Wriggle and Roll community with tailored courses to suit you and your little person at all stages of development.

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