Hello, I'm Lisa.


I believe sensory activities can do big things for your baby.

As a parent

There is SO much I know now as a second time parent that I wish I had known the first time around. Importantly I understand the type of parent I want to be and my style. In paticular I discovered a love of bonding with my children whilst enjoying sensory activities alongside them, from: reading books with them, playing in water to attending sensory style music classes. I just love watching their joy as they explore new things and almost feel like I can see the sparks of new neurons firing and forming pathways in their brains!

With my oldest I discovered sensory style baby classes and fell in love with them! I loved having that hour where I didn’t have to think and someone else guided me in a fun activity to do with her. I really felt these classes helped me connect with her and respond to her needs. Roll forward to April 2020 and I gave birth to my second daughter right in the heart of the covid pandemic. At the time Spain, where we live, was on a strict lockdown that didn’t allow us to go outside for any reason other than food shopping. I wanted to make sure my daughter had all the sensory exposure and fun my oldest had and set to doing it at home.

As an entrepreneur

Whilst I had an idea of sensory activities from the classes I had taken with my oldest I was shocked at the lack of resources for anything new to follow along with online. There was lots of videos designed for my baby to sit and watch alone but that’s not what I wanted. I wanted to entertain my baby, help in her development alongside her, to bond with her. And so I set about learning all I could about sensory development in babies; completing the Sensory beginnings master course and combining it with my knowledge of music ( I'm a rusty flute player), background as an english teacher and child Red Cross First Aid certification. And so Wriggle and Roll was born!!

As a community creator

The Wriggle and Roll community began on my YouTube channel which had over 150K views in its first year. My aim is to support parents at home who may be stuck for ideas about how to interact with their little people. As part of my courses I also offer a safe space community for parents/carers to chat, share a worry, and connect over a cup of coffee from the comfort of your own home. Plus monthly live Zoom calls for those on my full class courses, a chance to connect in person with guest presenters on key parenting topics!


I look forward to welcoming you to the Wriggle and Roll family!