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👶Baby Hating Tummy Time is NOT Inevitable!

general parenting May 12, 2023

Does your little one seem to hate tummy time? Well don’t worry- you are not alone! But, tummy time is important for building your baby’s neck and upper body strength, which is  essential for future gross motor skill development such as sitting and crawling.

Often little ones don’t like it, especially at first, meaning they cry when you put them down on their front. And whilst it’s normal that baby will start with shorter periods of time on their tummy, here are a few tips to help your tummy time attempts go a little smoother.

Tummy Time Tips

Change up the position

  • Tummy time does not have to mean- on the floor laying! You can start by doing tummy time from birth by laying Baby on your chest and talking or singing to them. What can be really nice is to also introduce some touch, so we could sing the itsy bitsy spider and walk our fingers up and down Baby’s spine
  • Another position  is to carry baby tummy down with one hand between their legs and under their tummy, hand on centre of chest. You can even do this whilst you enjoy music! Make sure baby is always securely and safely supported- if you are not sure how to do this hold, as your health care provider to show you at your next visit!
  • You can also lay them on the top of a yoga ball!

 Make Tummy time FUN!

When Baby is ready you can start tummy time on the floor. But try these few things to combine it with a bonding, playtime moment:

  • Remember baby LOVES your face- so you can lay down and face them! 

  • Play mats and other fun visuals to keep their attention.
  • When they are at an age to grab or hold things, popping their favourite toys in front of them can be a good idea.

Tummy Time Safety Tips

  • Always make sure however you decide to do tummy time that you and baby are fully awake and that baby is under your close supervision!
  • If for any reason you are unsure about tummy time for your little one then talk to your health care team!

Tummy time is built into the Wriggle and Roll classes in a variety of ways. If you want to try and see what it’s all about check out my ‘Baby Brain Sparks’ offer. This offer allows you to trial our Wriggle and Roll sing alongs and many more sensory activities. In addition you will receive a detailed sensory development guide!