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👶 How Babies Develop Awareness of Their Internal World: Understanding the Interoceptive Sense

baby sensory development Apr 12, 2024

This sense is ESSENTIAL to baby’s health- and you may well have never heard of it!

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In the fascinating journey of your baby’s development, there exists a lesser-known but really significant sense called interoception. While senses like sight, hearing, taste, touch, and smell are commonly understood, interoception plays a crucial role in our ability to perceive and understand internal bodily sensations. Let’s delve into what the interoceptive sense is and explore how it develops in babies, how you can help support its development and why it matters!

So what is Interoception?

Put simply interoception refers to the sense of the internal state of the body, like when your heart is beating fast, or you’re thirsty or need the toilet. It allows us to perceive sensations arising from within, some further examples being temperature, and feelings of discomfort or pain. Essentially, it's the sense that enables us to be aware of what's happening inside our bodies, helping us maintain physiological balance and respond to bodily needs. Imagine if we didn’t have the sense of ‘hunger’, we would never eat which, so you can see how vital this sense is to our survival!

The Development of Interoception in Babies

The journey of interoceptive development begins early in infancy. Babies are born with some basic interoceptive capacities, but their ability to perceive and interpret internal sensations gradually refines over time. Here's how it unfolds:

  1. Early Sensory Experiences

From the moment of birth, babies are exposed to various sensory stimuli, both external and internal. They feel hunger, experience discomfort, and sense changes in body temperature. These early sensory experiences lay the foundation for interoceptive awareness.

  1. Sensory Integration

As babies grow, their brains undergo rapid development, including the areas responsible for processing sensory information. Interoception involves the integration of signals from different bodily systems, such as the nervous, cardiovascular, and digestive systems. Through repeated exposure to internal sensations and their external correlates, babies learn to associate specific feelings with bodily states.

  1. Caregiver Interaction

Here’s where you come in…so caregivers play a crucial role in supporting the development of interoception in infants. Responsive caregiving, including promptly attending to the baby's needs, helps reinforce the connection between internal sensations and external cues. For example, when a baby cries due to hunger and is fed, they learn to recognize the sensation of hunger and that to solve this sensation- the solution is feeding.

This is why I encourage caregivers to cater to their baby’s need as soon as they see it in class. If they are hungry, feed them in class while you continue to sing, if they have a wet nappy, change it where you are sitting. We want baby to be happy and cared for, not uncomfortably waiting until the end of class for anything! And by responding to their queues and feelings as soon as possible, baby learns more about what the feeling is that they have, and how to resolve it!

  1. Language Development

As language skills emerge, babies begin to label and communicate their internal experiences. They learn words like "hungry," "tired," or "ouch," which allow them to express their needs and sensations to others. This linguistic understanding further enhances their interoceptive awareness by providing a cognitive framework for interpreting bodily signals.

  1. Emotional Regulation

Here is a key one that is important for you and your little ones- Interoception is closely linked to emotional awareness and regulation. As babies become more attuned to their internal sensations, they also develop the ability to regulate their emotional responses. For example, they learn to self-soothe when experiencing discomfort or to seek comfort from caregivers when distressed.

  1. Maturation of Brain Structures

The maturation of brain structures involved in interoception, , continues throughout childhood and adolescence. These regions play key roles in processing internal bodily signals and integrating them with emotional and cognitive processes. With age and experience, the brain becomes more adept at accurately interpreting and responding to interoceptive cues.

So what does this all mean?

Interoception is a fundamental aspect of human experience, allowing us to navigate the complexities of our internal world. In babies, the development of interoceptive awareness is a dynamic process shaped by sensory experiences, caregiver interactions, language development, and brain maturation. By understanding how this sense evolves from infancy, we gain valuable insights into the interconnectedness of mind, body, and environment, laying the groundwork for lifelong well-being and self-awareness.

I hope you’ve found this useful, and if so, I have a whole series on baby’s sensory development for you to check out! I hope you’ll join me with your little one for a wriggle and roll class soon!