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πŸ‘Ά Let’s Talk Sensory Milestones: EYESIGHT πŸ‘€

baby sensory development May 19, 2023

Did you know these fascinating facts about your baby's eyesight? πŸ€“

  • Newborns are born with blurry vision and can only focus on objects at a distance of about 10 inches approx.
  • To start with Baby can only see in black, white and shades of grey but they will eventually develop full colour vision by about 4 months, starting with red.
  • At this age, Baby's vision will also start to become sharper, meaning they will find it easier to track and focus on objects.
  • By 5-6 months most little ones will be able to grab things and bring them to their mouth so keep an eye out!
  • Lastly, until around 10 months your little ones eye colour may have changed but they now have the colour they will stay!

And Eyesight is just 1 of Baby's 8 SENSES! That's right, current theory now suggests an additional 3 senses to the more common 5 we all probably know! 

How Can You Encourage Baby's Eyesight Development?

1) As I mentioned, baby is born with blurred vision and only able to see in black, whte and shades of grey. This is why high definition black and white baby books are so good! If you don't yet have your free Wriggle and Roll Baby book you can download it here:

2) Right now Baby finds your face the MOST fascinating thing in the world. So talk to them, interact with them and be as facially expressive as possible.

3) Peekaboo- your baby doesn't understand the concept that things exist when they can't see them ( a concept known as object permanence) until around about 8 months. Peekaboo helps reinforce the concept of object permanence, as well as encouraging social development and strengthening visual tracking.

4) Finger puppets ( or your hand if you don't have any), sensory scarves, musical instruments, can all be used to offer further visual stimulation to baby.

Some Wriggle and Roll songs that are just great for this are the following:

What can you do to encourage Baby's other senses, I hear you cry!

Each sense is important and the more each is encouraged, and the more they all work in harmony, the better for Baby's overall development. For example- balance (known as the vestibular system) has been closely linked to language; so an underdeveloped vestibular system can mean challenges with language.There are so many things, and they don't have to be big and they don't have to be expensive!

  • Playing a game of peek a boo! ( Sight/ Object permanence)
  • Blowing bubbles! ( Sight/ Fine/Gross Motor Skills)
  • Putting baby's toes in the sand at the beach! ( Touch, interoceptive)
  • Singing them a nursery rhyme! ( Hearing/Language Development)
  • Giving a massage.( Touch/ Vestibular/Proprioceptive/Interoceptive)

All of these things will stimulate Baby's senses and are included in our fun themed classes that you can check out : Wriggle and Roll Courses!